7-year-old TAVISH is pictured on the left, leaning against 11-year-old FIONA.  They are the best of friends!


When an experienced singer decides to begin teaching other music lovers how to become fearless and confident singers, it works best if both parties, teacher and student, acknowledge that they are involved in a business. As much as I would love to think of myself as a respected musical artist whose only desire is to focus on the needs of my students regardless of their account standing, I am jerked back into reality each and every month with the cold, hard fact that my mortgage  and  other  bills  need  to  be  paid.

I have read other music teachers’ policies, and I must admit that some of them seem a bit severe.  We all know that life has a tendency to “get in the way” every now and then, and I think my studio policies are quite  sensible.

My lesson fee is presently $65.00 for a 55-minute session. (Sorry, I do not offer half-hour lessons!) Since many folks want to “take a voice teacher for a test drive” as they investigate their first lesson, I ask to be paid only for that first session as the hour comes to a close. Thereafter, once we have agreed to a convenient day and time for your weekly voice lesson, I request that you pay me in full for each month, usually 4 or 5 lessons, during your first session of the month. You will be writing fewer checks, and I will be able to pay my monthly expenses in a timely way.

A prepaid lesson that must be cancelled for any reason becomes a credit lesson that never expires. Credit lessons can be scheduled during school or work holidays, or whenever we can find a suitable time. For those singing students that travel a great distance, I try to set aside extra time either before or after their scheduled lesson in order to minimize travel expenses and to keep the number of credit lessons to a manageable  number.  

Should you arrive early, please come in without ringing the doorbell.  My two Shelties, Fiona and Tavish will happily greet you as you come through the front door!  They are a very sweet pair.  You are welcome to wait downstairs in the family room and, should the weather be pleasant, you may enjoy sitting outside on the deck or the back porch. Please be certain  that  I  am  aware  of  your  arrival.

I look forward to hearing from you.  Now is a great time to begin your rewarding journey on the road to confident,  beautiful  and  FEARLESS  SINGING!

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