Once upon a time, many years ago, I was a U. S. Air Force
Singing Sergeant performing with the U.S.A.F. Band.


After my five years of military service, I traded in my
Air Force uniforms for tuxedos and, occasionally, my Scottish kilt.
I entered a new world of singing operas and hotel nightclub revues. 


The above photos are from Annapolis Opera's production
of the Johann Strauss operetta, "DIE FLEDERMAUS."

Then, a wonderful opportunity presented itself. 
My singing partner, Dorothy Kingston, and I
were offered the opportunity to perform aboard
the world's most luxurious cruise ships. 
The Singing Team of David & Dorothy was
traveling around the world and loving it!

Then, for a while, I started running around
with this wild and crazy crowd of merry makers.
Even the photo sessions were great fun!


Clockwise and above right, that's yours truly with
Morgan LeTellier, Suzanne Luft, Pamela Ferguson
with her "Little Green Dragons" and Kelsey Carroll.

Kelsey and Morgan actually had the courage to take
voice lessons with me for a number of years.  They were
such delightful students!  Hear their impressive voices
on my RECORDINGS page.


Another young student named Lauren Marie Dill joined Morgan and Kelsey and the Quest Music Trio was born.  The four of us put together several shows and performed them in and around the Washington, D.C. area.  Our favorite show was our Salute to the Music of Harold Arlen at the Northern Virginia Jewish Community Center.

One of our performing venues was the Washington Home & Hospice in northwest Washington, D.C.   Here are a couple more photo memories from the Washington Home.

Left to right:  Morgan, Kelsey, Lauren and my
sweet Bonnie Jean, so content to be in my arms. 
She was a truly great therapy dog.

These three girls were driven to become exceptional singers and performers, and I was delighted to have had the opportunity of introducing them to the thrill of entertaining live audiences. 

I am quite aware, however, that not everyone who studies singing is driven to become a solo performing artist.  I want all my students to be perfectly comfortable with their own good reasons for pursuing the art of singing.  People who actively enjoy singing, even as a hobby, are doing wonderful things for their physical and emotional health.  Many recent scientific studies have proven the validity of this statement.

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Copyright 2011 by David Troup.

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